How to tell in 10 seconds if search engines like a website homepage
There are many, many factors which go to make up a ‘good’ website from the point of view of the search engines, as well as from the point of view of potential customers (generally these factors are pretty much the same in both cases). However, if you know what to look for, you can usually tell at a glance when you land on a homepage or another obvious landing page.
Is it all in flash or slow to load? Bad news.
Is there little or no copy on the site? Again, not good.
Is it very text heavy? That’s not great either, particularly if there are no images or paragraph breaks.
Is there a headline and maybe a subhead or two? That’s more like it.
Is it obvious what you’re meant to read first? Some homepages will have two or three blocks of copy side by side as their main copy, each with the same sized-headline. Not sure which is the most important? Neither are the search engines.
Are there links to other pages? Yes? Good news, although there shouldn’t be reams of them.
Is it easy to read and understand, and is it obvious how to navigate through the site? Yes? Wonderful – search engines will like your site. And so will customers.
All this of course, is worth remembering if you’re thinking of a redesign for your own site. Because the ten second test could save you innumerable hours of disappointment when you discover that those all-important new customers can’t find you.
If you would like a well-written small business website with SEO copywriting that gets results, please get in touch