It’s not up there with ‘What is the meaning of life?” but this is a question I’ve been asked a few times.
The glib answer is “A lot more than there used to be”, given that so many people call themselves copywriters (or more often content writers) these days. In fact I would say that there are now as many copywriters outside advertising and marketing agencies as there inside them.
In their 2013 agency survey, the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) reported that there were 14,595 individuals employed in creative and other non-media agencies. That would put the number of copywriters at about 2,000 +. The IPA also reported that there were 1,898 people regularly freelancing in agencies, and the proportion of these who are copywriters is likely to be a bit higher – so maybe 500 in all. With the growth in writing of all kinds, nearly all of it online, plus agencies who aren’t IPA members, you’re probably looking at another 2,500.
This gives a ballpark total of about 5,000 copywriters in London. Perhaps a third to a half are freelance. If you’re in the market for a copywriter, that’s a lot to choose from. And guess what? Some of them are even pretty good.
If you’re looking for a London copywriter in a thousand (or rather five thousand), please call me on +44 (0) 7767 687524.