One of the services I offer is a copy critique
Not many people take it up. Which is a pity, as it’s an extremely cost-effective way of getting your communications into shape. Especially as I refund the cost of the critique if I’m subsequently hired to do a new piece.
Why isn’t your website on the front page of Google for important keywords? Is your SEO company charging you a lot of money for precious few results? Why didn’t that mailer pull in many enquiries or your sales letter lots of sales? Is that ad of yours really saying what you want it to say? Is it talking to the right people at the right time? And is that brochure of yours going straight in the bin?
A thorough critique can give you the answers to what you’re looking for – and in some cases the tools you need to rectify the problem yourself.
If there’s any aspect of your communications you’re not happy with, why not give it a try?