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Andermatt Swiss Alps – property magazine article content


Taking video interviews and turning them into articles to showcase individual properties and the thinking behind them for this prestigious village development in the Swiss Alps.


[Copy extract]


Christian Blaser is the founder and CEO of Basel-based Blaser Architekten AG, and the lead architect on Yara. Here he talks to us about what inspired its design and its place in the village and wider environment.

What was your inspiration for the design of Yara?

The polygonal structure, like a free-standing diamond, is reflective of the surrounding mountains. We also echo the heritage of the village setting – historically, merchants’ houses were more prestigious and elaborate. The third inspiration is the climate, as shown in the weathered beauty of the stone, offset by the ornamented wooden facade with hand-carved shingles.

How did the materials you use reflect this?

Shingles can be somewhat uniform, but here hand-carving really brings them to life, giving them a lovely surface texture that captures the light. The size and multi-faceted structure of the building are designed to capture reflective light across different seasons.

In what other ways does the building reflect the local landscape?

At sunset and sunrise, the exterior takes on a wonderful reddish hue. Also, the stone overhangs reflect the material of the granite streetscape, with the shingle façade a natural conduit to the multi-faceted majesty of the mountains.

Then there’s the presence and form of the house from the outside and its location on a new piazza. Its unique layout and unconventional angled space are tailored toward the outside light. But the real individuality is given by nature. You feel that it’s your view, your location.

“The real individuality is given by nature. You feel that it’s your view, your location.”



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